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1 How much time do I have to submit my insurance information to FEMA for review?

You have up to 12 months from the date you registered with FEMA to submit your insurance information for review. By law, IHP cannot provide money to individuals or households for losses that are covered by insurance.

2 My insurance company isn't being helpful or is giving me the run around. What can I do?

3 What if I have exhausted the Additional Living Expense (ALE) provided by my insurance company?

If you have received the maximum settlement from your insurance for Additional Living Expenses (Loss of Use) and still need help with your disaster-related temporary housing need, write a letter to FEMA, indicating why you continue to have a temporary housing…

4 What if my insurance settlement is delayed?

If a decision on your insurance settlement has been delayed longer than 30 days from the time you filed the claim, you will need to write a letter to FEMA explaining the circumstance. You should include documentation from the insurance company proving that…

5 What if my insurance settlement is insufficient to meet my disaster-related needs?

If you have received the maximum settlement from your insurance and still have an unmet disaster-related need, you will need to write a letter to FEMA indicating the unmet disaster-related need. You will also need to send in documentation from your insurance…

6 When should I contact my insurance agent to file a claim?

If you have not already contacted your insurance agent to file a claim, please do this as soon as possible. Failure to file a claim with your insurance company may affect your eligibility for assistance from IHP. After filing your claim, if any of the following…

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